%0 Dataset %T Meta analysis dataset for the effects of AMF and PGPR vaccination on salt tolerant/non salt tolerant plants worldwide (2019) %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/6cad493d-37b9-440f-98c3-51bd35f5ab3e %W NCDC %R 10.12072/ncdc.nieer.db3929.2023 %A None %K Meta analysis;AMF;PGPR;osmoregulation;peroxidation %X This dataset mainly involves the use of meta-analysis to analyze the sample size, effect values, and publication bias test of plant indicators after AMF and PGPR vaccination based on a large number of publicly published data literature; And a list of inoculation effect indicators and references used for salt tolerant and non salt tolerant plants were provided in the dataset.